Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Mission Statement

I am interested in a career in admissions, whether it be in a college setting or at the high school level. This idea was not something I grew up wanting to do; it came to me gradually and was solidified after interning in the Furman Admissions office this past summer. I have been an Admissions Ambassador since freshman year and will continue to do so, but I hope to obtain another internship next summer or during the year that will help me learn more about the field and the skills I will need. Where this new internship would be is something I am still trying to figure out as I plan my next steps.

As the world becomes more digitized, many students are finding colleges and falling for them from behind the screen. This is something that we discussed over the summer, but never really came to a significant conclusion on how Furman should approach these students. The interns had their own (pretty unsuccessful) Twitter feed, which was a start but certainly not the solution. Thus, I am interested in seeing the different digital platforms and how they are used in the business world, and figuring out how they can be applied in the field of admissions. Stemming from this, an idea for my topic of interest could be to explore what the most attractive use of digital communication to prospective students is and how colleges are more effectively utilizing it. I find this topic interesting but also believe that finding these answers would be extremely valuable to my future.

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