Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Chapters 4 & 7

Chapter 4

This chapter, “Headlines and Hypertext,” focuses on how to properly format a website so that viewers have an easier time navigating. One example that the book found helpful was the University of North Carolina website. Since Furman has recently revamped their own webpage, I thought it would be a good idea to evaluate Furman’s page based on Carroll’s points. How does Furman’s website, used to attract new students and utilized by current ones, rank according to Carroll?


Furman does a good job of including important hyperlinks on the homepage, but in the actual articles themselves the site is lacking. In the interest articles listed on the site (about freshmen move-in, for example) have few, if any hyperlinks, which decreases its overall value. The informational tools and sites do have many hyperlinks, helping students find more detailed information.

Headlines and Subheads

There are many headings, which is a little overwhelming  but there are plenty of subheads and headlines to help organize the site. It is fairly easy to navigate through and get the main ideas solely from scanning. 


The font on Furman's homepage is excellent. Clear, concise, and still interesting enough without confusing the viewer more than necessary. 


Overall, I think that the Furman site is a little overwhelming. There is a lot happening on the homepage and while it maintains interest, it may be a little difficult to navigate sometimes. I do like the slideshow on top and the menu of the main categories that scrolls along with the page. These keep the site interesting and more manageable. Also, the search bar location is great--right on the top of the page! Putting the search bar in a poor location is one of my pet peeves.

Chapter 7

I had never really thought of how blogging came to be, or how it has transformed into a  form of journalism. It’s interesting to me because I believe that most of what I read on the internet is a form of blogging, even if I don’t realize it. Blogs are an excellent chance for people to share their thoughts and opinions, discuss current events, relay information, or simply entertain. 
Blogging as form of journalism is also an intriguing topic, as the book discusses the debate over bloggers are journalists. Carroll asks if all bloggers are considered journalists, but I wonder more about journalists as bloggers. Since blogs have become more popular, should all news sources have a blog(s)? These would allow opinion pieces from the journalists, but also give a platform for readers to respond. Most websites already cater to this by allowing comments on the stories, but I find that blog posts (if done properly) can be more informational and more interesting than a singular comment.

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